CHEN, Li (陈力)


Ph.D. in Operations Research and Analytics
Lecturer in Business Analytics
The University of Sydney Business School

Room 4135, Abercrombie Building H70,
Corner Abercrombie Street and Codrington Street,
The University of Sydney NSW 2006

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About Me

I am a lecturer (Assistant Professor) in The Discipline of Business Analytics, The University of Sydney Business School. Prior to Sydney, I was a research fellow in the Institute of Operations Research and Analytics (IORA) at National University of Singapore (NUS), where I obtained my Ph.D. under the supervision by Professor Melvyn SIM and Professor Kim-Chuan TOH. Prior to NUS, I received my BSc in Computational Mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).

Research Interests

My research aims (i) to develop new models and algorithms that help transform data into insights to make better decisions and (ii) to solve impactful problems in various domains to generate managerial insights and policy implications for decision-makers. The word cloud below, created from some of my papers’ abstracts, might give you a snapshot of my research.


Area of Interests

  • Optimization Under Uncertainty

  • Data-Driven Decision Making

  • Smart City Operations

  • Supply Chain Management

  • Sustainable Operations

  • Transportation and Logistics